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Project structure


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The process of making a planning creates support, increases the reality level and teaches those involved about how to deal with risks. The art of planning is to find the real bottlenecks in the order and interdependencies of activities. It is always a wonderful challenge for us to be able to supervise the laying of that puzzle.

Project-based work

Work with each other in accordance with unambiguous structures, and the course of a project has more peace and a better controllable outcome. We are good at translating culture into structure. We add insights and adjustments as much as the project organization is able to record. We find the right balance with your team.

risk management

If you know the risks of your project, there are fewer surprises. It is a profession to find risks openly, to discuss them and to determine in advance what to do, without downplaying. We understand that profession.


When is a project successful? It is a simple question with many answers. It often depends on the ambitions that were once set, interim expectations that changed and the structure in which all this had a place. We investigate whether things have gone as planned, efficiently and efficiently; according to fixed structures.

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2611BB Delft

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